I wasn't a fan of Hawthorn its pretty unforgiving when you cut it back. It literally slashes you in the process, it's quite dangerous. Last year I decided to find out exactly what Hawthorn is, why would something be covered in tiny razor sharp thorns? It would seem that Hawthorn is pretty special. The berries especially.
The humble Hawthorn bush it's everywhere and they can grow quite large they are essential to birds and wildlife and they're also really good for us. You can use the leaves, berries & the flowers but for today we are going to concentrate on the berries.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that Hawthorn has everything to do with blood & heart and imagine my astonishment when I read in Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine it is for MYOCARDITUS!
If you are 'speared' I am not and never have been, then you may want to look into this for yourself. I found out a lot about Hawthorn and it's properties and this little berry seems to hold a lot of healing for us. The recommended dosage is 3-5 drops thrice daily under the tongue for around a minute. Research it yourself you'll find tons of info all over the place.
Hawthorn Tincture
Collect the red berries, discard any damaged or nibbled, rinse, put into a sterile glass mason jar and cover with either brandy or vodka. Leave for around 3-8 weeks stirring each day. Decant into dropper bottles.
That's it! I always advise on doing your own research. One mans poison and all that plus YOU really have a duty to yourself to look into anything you are putting into your body and not just blindly trusting all sources. Please use your discernment and your instincts which you were born with!