A frequency sweep is input into the body, and Spooky2 GeneratorX monitors the results. As the sweep progresses, Spooky2 correlates each stress event with the exact frequency that caused it, recording “hits.”
The frequencies causing ten of the strongest hits are assembled into a program for treating the identified problems, Spooky2 GeneratorX will run these frequencies directly into you via tens pads.
During a biofeedback scan, GeneratorX records how the electrical signal behaves. A brief change in the electrical pattern shows that a hit was detected.
There are two different ways that GeneratorX measures the change.
1. Current flow. This is like water running in a river. Normally this is constant. But if the level of the water rises, the flow increases. GeneratorX measures this flow rate.
2. Phase angle. If you are walking with your child, normally they are at your side. But if you start walking over rough terrain, the child will fall behind. Phase angle is like the distance between yourself and your child. The terrain is everything between the TENS pads. GeneratorX measures when the terrain is rough or smooth.
Some biofeedback systems can measure one or the other, but not many do both. And none can reach the dizzying speeds of GeneratorX.
Done weekly you can really start making a difference to your health & Each BFB scan and run ends when the frequencies are finished which means this may take longer than an hour. These top ten frequencies will be run through the Scalar wave generator to add another dimension to treatment. Biofeedback Scan & Run is £30.
Always drink plenty of water when undergoing frequency healing it is necessary for the electrical signals. Invest in a water distiller to remove all heavy metals, toxins, parasites, pesticides & drugs including all hormone medicines used in birth control & menopause.
Whilst undergoing frequency healing please look at other aspects of your life for change. Diet, exercise, every thing you can do to meet these frequencies halfway will be beneficial to you.
If you have any queries regarding exercise diet fitness herbalism alternative medicine please ask I have grown in my career but my knowledge on nutrition and exercise is ever more extensive and this knowledge is to share.