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"The energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviour, the vibrational frequency you give off is what determines the kind of reality experience you have because physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you.  That is all that physical reality is.  It is literally a mirror".   Darryl Anka

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Blogs About Stuff

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

"LAM" Chant - The sound vibration made in the throat & attuned with breath.

An easy way to raise your vibration is with chanting. A good place to start is with our chakra system, a metaphysical concept that is steeped in ancent knowledge. These 7 spinning vortices start from our perineum and continue up the spine to the crown. These energy centres which are spinning vortices of light, are at the front of and back, of our body, they go straight through us. Each give an indication of our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical state if we 'tune in' and feel the sensations we can energetically decode any stuck or sticking areas that may need a 'shake up', vibration can do that!

Tuning into these areas by chanting can release stagnant energy, allowing new energy to flow, in turn increasing our vibration.

Chanting combined with breath work and meditation on each chakra point for around 3 minutes will create energy flow. This energy flow will create a higher vibration. In this series I shall be talking about the main 7 chakras.

Chakra chanting for the root (Muladhara) is LAM, you can find many chanting videos on YouTube or Insight Timer and make this part of your practice. Just look up chakra chanting.

Chanting allows mind focus, going inwards and feeling the vibration of LAM in the root chakra which is located between the front and back passage at the base of the spine, just below the pelvic floor muscles, the area called the perineum. Pulled up this forms an energy lock. Try lifting your perineum whist in a meditation posture and chanting LAM, use belly breath attuned to your breathing for the first few breaths then change to Ujjayi (sea) breath.

Do this practice on your root chakra for 3 minutes and observe what feelings or emotions come up. The root chakra is your base animal instincts, your fight or flight. Anger can be stored here. Sit with the emotions as they occur without entering into a dialogue, just sit without judegement. at the end of each chakra chant note down a brief summory of how you felt at each chakra vortex. You will be surprised at what emotions come up and where you may need to focus any healing. You can literally send the vibration made in the epiglottis (throat) to the root chakra and you will feel it! Practice daily moving upwards from root to crown chakra.

Perceived negative feelings in the root chakra is not uncommon as with all the chakras, there could be stored up energy which needs releasing. Feelings include but are not limited to anxiety, uncertainty, loss of interest, restlessness, lack of energy, lack of identity, self esteem, depression and suicidal thoughts.

This is physical, self- identiy, self - expression & personal goals are all linked to the root chakra. Working on this chakra by focusing on this point through breath & chanting can release any blocks making way for a higher vibrational energy to flow. The root chakra is related to our survival instincs, to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. The root chakra brings health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence. Be sure to try the Lam chant.

The root chakra is Earth energy and is linked to the planet Mars. It is associated with Aeries.

Chanting for some feels odd, funny or even stupid. I get that, I once got thrown out of a yoga class for giggling whilst 'Aumming'. It didn't help that my sister was next to me and it caused a knock on effect. It did not go down to well and 3 of us were asked to leave. So I understand it can make you feel awkward in a class setting so why not have a go at home?

New meditation classes for chakra chanting along with singing bowls, scalar waves and frequencies are coming so watch this space, but in the meantime get your chant on! You'll sound odd at first but once you get past that feeling of awkwardness and feel the vibrations as they build, ebb & flow through you, you'll realise that raising your vibration doesn't have to cost a fortune, all you need is a YouTube video and to make it a practice each day.

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Raising ALL vibrations with Quantum Energy Healing Sunday evenings 7pm Sound Bath with Crystal Singing bowls, Scalar waves, Healing Solfeggio Frequencies & DNA repair. £7 per person.


This special Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath will include Spooky2 Scalar Wave generator, Frequency healing through Solfeggio & DNA repair frequencies... A truly unique experiance to sample this new technology & how it can unblock meridian channels or chakras through frequency & Scalar waves! For only £7!

Location The Garden Strudio Marshside Near Herne Bay


What is a meditation practice? It is as simple as bringing conciousness to the most mundane of chores, like washing your hands. Being present. It takes practice, which is why it's called a practice. It doesn't have a destination, that is entirely up to you. This is the beauty of a practice it takes away all pre-concieved ideas of a finish line. Ego the monkey brian where mind behaves like an untamed stallion finds meditation hard. It cannot sit still, it wants dopomine it craves it. This is a challenge. It requires practice, being in silence is so far away from how most live their lives they would never dream of meditating. They would sooner turn on the TV, watching the TV is a form of hypnosis but most are unaware of this. Meditation is being aware of yourself, if you are hynotised by TV something else has your awareness, therefore you are not in control and your perception is not your own.

A meditation practice, starting at 5 minutes per day is all it takes for you to access parts of yourself you had forgotton about. The constant babel in mind is there for a reason, to stop you realising your true potential and your connection to source. You are a divine spark of pure conciousness connected to God. Tuning into this higher state of being is easy. You just need practice.

"You can control your thoughts, realise this and you will find strength" - Marcus Aurelius

You can never turn off mind chatter but you can control what thoughts you engage with and when. This is a fundamental of meditation. Your brain is an operating system but nobody gave you the manual on how to work it, none of us have it. However, through ancient practices like meditation we can change our nuerological pathways by choosing what thoughts we allow in. We get multiple choices all day every day, which thoughts do you allow to guide you? Being mindful of the thoughts we accept are a starting point in meditation and can be applied all day every day, just like the practice of being present when you wash your hands and other mundane chores. These small practices of awareness and 'present-ness' start to change your perception of things and thus a new awareness takes hold, critical thinking kicks in.

In essence you start to hear your higher self. The voice that speaks to you all of the time, not the one berating you, not the self flaggelator of mind. The other one, the softer one that tells you it'll be ok, this voice is drowned out most of the time by the constant babal. Meditation integrates the All There Is, has been & ever can be. This is who you are, we ALL are.

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Before you start frequency healing it is recommend that Spooky2 users start with Terrain Protocol. The answer is actually simple. The Terrain protocol helps flush out accumulated toxins and prepares your body so that it is ready to receive further frequency treatments like the BFB scans.

We take in toxins from food, drink, or even the air we breathe, and our body naturally expels them. However, our bodies cannot discard these toxins fast enough due to too much pollution in the surrounding environment these days.

With all the toxins piling up in your body system, frequency energy cannot pass through your cells and organs effectively. So, the Terrain Protocol is highly recommended for new customers as it is a carefully planned detoxification process.

There are three types of Terrain Protocol:

Terrain (R) – BY: This is the original version of Terrain Protocol and includes all of the frequencies necessary to zap parasites. Most people will choose this version to start detox.

Terrain-Mercury (R) – BY: This preset is a variant of the Terrain Protocol without the mercury-detox frequencies, which is useful for people who have mercury amalgam fillings and do not want to experience a mercury detox.

Terrain-Nonviolent (R) – BY: This version does not kill bacteria or parasites. It is useful for those who experience a bad Herx reactions by the toxin influx that kills bacteria and viruses in the system.

Each of these three Terrain Protocols comes with its low-power version. These low-power versions are useful for sensitive people and pets. Terrain is a preset protocol that is usually run on full power for humans. If you start to feel unwell during the treatments this could be a A Jarisch–Herxheimer (Herx) reaction reaction so monitoring how you feel during your treatment is vital. Symptoms can include flu like symptoms. If this occurs I can stop the treatment.

The Terrain protocol runs twice per month and costs £30 per person. This includes the initial appointment with treatment and another at the end of the eleven day program. This will be two contact sessions using Terrain protocol & Scalar. For eleven days the Terrain protocol runs on the Spooky2 generator via Quantum Entanglement...See Albert Einstein!

All I need from you is a finger nail.

Drinking plenty of pure water, eating clean & exercise will all aid in your parasite cleanse and I will support you every step of the way. With over twenty years in the fitness industry and as a nutrition coach I can guide on all aspects of your healing journey.

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Artists impression of Scala Waves

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