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"The energy you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviour, the vibrational frequency you give off is what determines the kind of reality experience you have because physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you.  That is all that physical reality is.  It is literally a mirror".   Darryl Anka

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Pluto has moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, Hearlding the Age of Aquarius. Join Bruce on Pluto & Jo on Crystal Singing Bowls to literally skyrocket you into the comos of your mind and beyond the outer limits of consciousness.

Spend a special evening immersed in Energy Frequency & Vibration.

Numbers strictly limited £10 per person for this unique experiance book 07709864738 leave a message and I will get back to you.

The Outer Limits of Consciousness

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Yin Yoga, Yoga Mix, Yoga Therapy, Crystal Singing Bowls, Scalar Wave Energy, Rife Frequency GeneratorX, Over 60K Frequencies, Sound Bath, Gong Bath, Quantum Energy Healing. Classes £7, One2One Treatments start at £20

The Hawkins Map of Consciousness is a great visual tool to help innerstand how frequency works and how it effects your state of being. Being aware of this we can rasie our own frequency. Note the colours correspond to our chakras.

All of the Higher Frequencies can be programmed into the Frequency Generator

A shift in your awareness, multiple sensations, tapping, floating, peace, harmony are just some of the comments received, along with many visitations whilst in the energy field created by this technology.

There are so many things that we can do to feel better and heal but sometimes we need a little help on our journey. Meditation, breath work, chakra work, yoga, sound baths, chanting all help and many you can do alone, my classes teach you techniques you can use yourself to help with pain, physical & emotional.

Schumann Resonance - Solfeggio Frequencies - Healing Frequencies - Scalar Wave - Crystal Singing Bath - Gong Bath

I have been learning how to combine ancient teachings into quantum energy healing

and realised that everything I have been guided to is all about healing. It started over 20 years ago with personal training leading to massage and injury rehabilitation. I became a nutrition coach and quickly after a yoga teacher. Mediation, breath work, chanting became an inportant part of my life and then my life took a completely different turn when I discovered the Spooky2 Scalar & Frequency generators, once I'd opened up to quantum physics the rest fell into place.

How you Vibe is up to you!

Quantum Energy Healing Combined with Ancient Practice 07709864738 Text or WhatsApp Bookings need to be made 24 hours before class starts.

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Tuesday's one 2 one


Thursday's one 2 one




9:45 Yin

10:30am SoundBath

10:30am SoundBath

10:30am SoundBath

11am SoundBath

11:45am Yin

11:45am Yoga mix

11:45am Yin

5:45pm Yin

5;45 Yin

7pm SoundBath

7pm SoundBath

< Scroll >

Yoga Mix should really be called yoga therapy because anything goes in this class and it Is a mix of any or all yoga modalities listed below. It will also include all of my knowledge on injury rehabilitation, massage & trigger point therapy where you can learn how to apply these healing techniques to yourself. This class will build & change shape at each stage and you will re-learn how to move without pain but more importanly you'll learn what works for you and how to apply it. Anyone can do Yoga Mix

All classes include Spooky2 Scalar Wave & GeneratorX Quantum Technology, Crystal singing bowls & over 60K Frequencies. Classes are all £7 per session, one 2 one treatments start at £20.


Yin Yoga is bliss, this meditation based yoga is deeply immersive allowing you to spend an hour focusing inwards and allowing the body to relax into 'rag doll' poses, Yin yoga poses are without tension and held for up to five minutes. This practice is beautiful, learn what your mind, body & spirit needs, focusing inwards.. Yin is a floor based practice focusing on deep breath-work, meditation.  Anyone can do Yin...

Hatha Yoga is for all levels even people new to yoga. Hatha can be very gentle depending on how you want to practice. It will also depend on the classes abilities on the day. My teaching approach is to guide you into the poses in your own unique way. You give permission to use the pose to suit what you can do, you do not strain and 'become' the pose. Anyone can do Hatha...

Vinyassa Flow Yoga can be hot, sweaty & hard. It will challenge you, or you can take it easy and go with the flow... Yoga is whatever you make it on your mat. If you want more 'fire' than a vinyassa flow practice will give you that fire. Vinyassa flow yoga will shake things up and you'll come away feeling energised. Combined with Spooky2 Scalar Wave generator & Frequency healing sets to enhance, boost & energise on a quantum level. For those that need a little fire...

432Hz SoundBath with crystal singing bowls a cosmic sound so utterly unique you cannot help but expand your awareness as your conciousness shifts. A very unique experience to fully immerse into a different dimension with the latest Spooky2 Scalar & Frequency healing through Solfeggio & DNA repair frequencies. All you need to do is lay down and breathe... Book now to sample this new technology & how it can unblock meridian channels or chakras through frequency & Scalar waves! Everyone loves a sound bath.

5 Forge Cottage, The Garden Studio, Forge Lane, Marshside, CT34EF

Book now 07709864738

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